
  • To offer world class IT education and training with state-of-the-art technology infrastructure across the globe
  • To develop a cadre of 1,000 skilled IT Professionals over the next 2 years to lend the needed support to help The Gambia to make progress towards achieving technological independence
  • To have a skilled workforce of 5,000 to generate GMD 100 million through export of IT products and server at the end of five years.

  • To equip and empower youth with meaningful IT skills to enhance their employability and enrich their intellect
  • To see a nation of competence, skills and prosperity through meaningful and rich training and learning
  • To see a nation free from unemployment and ensure fruitful engagement.
Tuition Fee Refund Policy: -

  • All tuition fees will be eligible for refund with a 10% deduction of the total fees collected if the request is made within 15 days from the date stamped on the receipt by IIHTGambia, Ltd.
  • All request for tuition fees refunds must be made in writing and addressed to the Center Manager.  The request must contain a full address, email address, and phone number.
  • Switching programs will not be allowed after the first week of the program start.  This is not negotiable
  • In situations where the student has to leave the country for whatever reason, the maximum refund of tuition will be 50% and request must be made two weeks before he or she departure.